peyronies disease

April 26, 2018

Sexual Health Penile Curvature

Have you ever heard of Peyronie’s disease? Millions of men worldwide, mostly caucasian, have this condition which can dramatically affect their sex life, and wellbeing. Peyronie’s disease is a condition where scar tissue, also called plaque, forms inside the penis. The plaque gradually builds up inside the tunica albuginea, a thick elastic fibrous tissue which surrounds the corpus cavernosum, and […]
April 8, 2018

Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease (Penis Curvature) Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man’s penis becomes curved when erect. Although it is common for men’s penises to curve a bit when rigid, Peyronie’s disease involves extreme curvature that may make sex impossible. The condition can also be painful, whether the penis is erect or not, and in some cases the pain […]
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